2024 Residents Survey

This survey has now closed



Local residents are being encouraged to provide feedback on the services and facilities Waitomo District Council provides to its communities.

An invitation to complete WDC’s Residents Survey will soon hit letterboxes or email inboxes throughout the district, offering residents aged 18 years and older a chance to have their say.

The survey is carried out by independent research company Versus Research Ltd on behalf of Council.

The survey gauges opinions on the services and facilities delivered by WDC and will be posted to residents listed on the electoral roll.

The survey can be completed online or returned by post. Those who complete it before the close off date will be automatically entered in a draw to win a $250 New World Gift Card.

Personal information provided by respondents will not be made public.

Survey results will be included in WDC’s Annual Report published later in the year.

The survey needs to be completed by Sunday 23 July 2024.  Residents who don’t receive a paper copy can pick one up from WDC’s Customer Service Centre at 160 Rora Street, Te Kūiti.


Frequently Asked Questions


Why is WDC doing this survey?

Our residents survey is carried out each year. It measures and monitors community opinion and the performance of the services and facilities we provide. Our performance measures are set by the Long-Term Plan. Results from the survey are used to inform and enhance our long-term performance.


Where did WDC get my details from?

We sourced the mailing list from the electoral roll.


Can the survey be completed online?

Yes.  Residents living in our urban areas will receive a personalised letter with an online code, while our more remote residents will receive a paper copy. 


Why is the survey invitation posted, and why isn't a link to the online survey not posted on Facebook?

The survey is strictly for Waitomo District residents only, and our facebook page has many followers from outside our district. Each Waitomo District resident aged 18 years and older is eligible to fill out the survey. To ensure the survey results are legitimate and conducted professionally, each survey needs an individual code. This is why the survey is posted. Residents living in our urban areas will receive a personalised letter with an online code, while our more remote residents will receive a paper copy.


Do I need to include my personal details?

No, you do not need to include this information.  However, if these details are not included you will not be entered in to the draw for the New World Gift Card.


Who is Versus Research?

Versus Research is an independent research company based in Hamilton.


When do I need to complete/return the survey by?

5pm, Sunday 23 July 2024.


Will you let us know who wins the New World Gift Card?

Yes, Versus will notify the winner of the gift card


I didn’t get a survey in the mail, can you please send me one?

Yes, we can send you a survey or you can collect one from our Customer Service Centre at 160 Rora Street, Te Kūiti.


Will you publish the results?

Yes, a copy of the survey results will be available on our website once finalised.