Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

ShakeOut – Remember 26 September 9:26am

18 Sep 2012, 11:46 AM

New Zealand will be holding a national earthquake civil defence exercise on 26 September at 9.26am to promote awareness amongst the community that they should 'DROP, COVER and HOLD' during an earthquake.

Waitomo District Council provides Civil Defence Services through its joint agreement with Otorohanga, Waipa, Waikato District Councils and Hamilton City Council, collectively know as the Waikato Valley Emergency Operating Area (WVEOA)

Over the past months, WVEOA staff and the Civil Defence Ministry have been promoting this exercise to the community and to date 1,900 Waitomo residents, schools or businesses have register to take part - you can register by visiting the following website  www.shakeout.govt.nz

The website has great resources for children, individuals and businesses for the use in promoting awareness of actions to take in an earthquake.

WVEOA staff have contacted all schools in the Waitomo area, made contact with the Citizens Advice Bureau and some businesses.

The office of Waitomo District Council will be participating, including an evacuation of the building, so if you are visiting Council at that time you will need to come prepared to join in the exercise. The message of the drill is simple: Drop, Cover and Hold.

Display pamphlets have been located at the Council Office, Library and I-Site and information sheets are available to the public. Colourings in pages are available at the library for children to collect.

To find out more about the drill, who’s already on-board and how to participate visit www.shakeout.govt.nz.