Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

Community Update

7 Nov 2013, 9:09 AM

Enviroschools challenge

The Enviroschools challenge aims to raise awareness amongst school students of the need to recycle unwanted TVs and encourage them to influence their whānau to responsibly recycle unwanted TVs.Enviroschools challenge

All students have to do is get their friends and families to drop off unwanted TVs at the Waitomo District Landfill, at  no cost for a limited time, and nominate an Enviroschool or kura of your choice for a prize.

The Enviroschool or kura that receives the most nominations (averaged over their student roll) in the upper North Island region will win a technology package from the Enviroschools challenge sponsor Samsung.

Nomination forms will be provided to all Enviroschools and kura, and a nomination box is at the Waitomo District Landfill drop off site. The upper North Island Enviroschools challenge will close on 14 January 2014.

Road works programme - Rora Street

Works on the in-ground services part (A) for Rora Street Te Kuiti are nearing completion. The excavation work and installation of a new section of water line has been completed. The extension of pipe work to the Railway buildings was done as part of this work. The reinstatement of two pavement areas is expected to be finished shortly.

The second portion (part (B)) involves the renewal of the road sub base, surfacing and associated kerb, channel and footpath work and will be underway in early January 2014.Rora Street

This work forms a key element to the Te Kuiti Railway Buildings project. The overall outcome will serve to improve the main street of Te Kuiti and create a vibrant and thriving hub for the future enjoyment of our communities and local businesses.

Expressions of Interest - railway building 1 

Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from community groups interested in tenanting building 1 of the railway buildings.  The space comprises of three rooms, one toilet and a kitchen area, however this could be changed to suit the tenant/s needs. You can collect an EOI document from WDC, Queen Street, Waitomo District Library Taupiri Street or Te Kuiti i-SITE Visitor Information Centre. To find out more or to arrange for a site inspection of the building, please contact Group Manager Community Service John De Luca on phone (07) 878 0800 or email [email protected]