Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

Council achieves all customer satisfaction performance targets for 2017/18 financial year

23 Aug 2018, 9:43 AM

Waitomo District Council carries out a Resident Survey (RS) to better understand community views on a wide range of services and activities delivered by Council. The survey enables us to gauge people’s opinions about our services and facilities, and identify priorities for improvement in our service delivery.

Some of the Council services and activities covered by the survey are roads and footpaths, water supply, cemeteries, public toilets, library and aquatic centre.

The survey was open to the public during mid-June 2018, and 191 Waitomo district residents took part, of which 84% were ratepayers. Similar to previous years, the largest portion of respondents were from Te Kuiti, in the 60 years plus age bracket.

The annual survey is an important reporting method used by WDC to measure how we perform against our goals and to analyse trends over time to help with our future planning.  All of Council’s 14 activity targets were achieved this year - an excellent performance result for WDC. The following graph shows our survey results against 2017/18 performance targets.

2017 2018 customer service performance targets and results

Council’s Overall Performance

The following graph compares resident satisfaction with Council’s overall performance, with the results from previous surveys. Eighty-eight per cent of residents are satisfied that Council are doing things the right way and using sound judgement to make decisions.

Council’s Overall Performance 2018 Survey Result

Residents also commented on the following:

  • Investment in facilities to support tourism.
  • A need for more residential housing.
  • Speed limits on local roads and State Highways.
  • Road maintenance and upgrades.
  • Promote the District and local businesses.

Quite a few comments made by respondents related to issues and services that are not under the jurisdiction of Council i.e. residential housing and state highways. While Council will continue to advocate on behalf of our community, these are not services that we provide.

WDC considers it important to understand how satisfied residents are with the services it provides to the communities in the District. Where there is scope for improvement in the eyes of the community this can be factored into WDC’s planning for future service levels.

Congratulations to the winners of the Survey Prize Draw - Janis MacDonald and Jack Harold Davis.

We would like to thank all the Waitomo district residents and ratepayers for having their say through the Resident Survey.

WDC’s financial and non-financial (activity) performance will be reported on through the Annual Report for the financial year 2017/18. Council will receive the Annual Report at the October monthly Council meeting. The full Annual Report and a Summary Report will be made available to the public on our website.