Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

Department of Conservation now responsible for Mangaokewa Reserve

15 Feb 2019, 9:32 AM

The Department of Conservation (DOC) and Waitomo District Council (WDC) advise that the Mangaokewa Reserve is now managed by DOC following a formal request by WDC for DOC to recommence responsibility for the reserve.

The Reserve is owned by DOC, however WDC’s predecessor, the Te Kuiti Borough Council, was appointed to control and manage the Reserve in February 1956.

The formal revocation of WDC’s responsibilities to manage the Reserve aligns the management of this Reserve with other DOC owned Reserves in the District, and enables WDC to focus on other key reserves within the District.

DOC will be assessing how it will manage the reserve going forward, taking into account current use and issues experienced at the reserve such as freedom camping, ablutions and dog access.  The reserve is part of the increasing popular Te Araroa walking trail, and is enjoyed by recreational trampers, hunters and other users. Safe enjoyment of the reserve by the local community and visitors will be an important consideration, as well as minimising impacts on the natural environment.

Any concerns about the Reserve should now be directed to the DOC on 07 878 1050. New signs will be erected at the Reserve in due course.