Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

Livestreaming still on the table

7 Jul 2020, 1:00 PM

An assessment of a future opportunity for livestreaming meetings is on the table for Waitomo District Council (WDC) meetings.


During the WDC meeting in June the opportunity to livestream meetings was raised for discussion. The Councillors agreed that that the opportunity should be assessed so that an informed decision could be made.


Chief executive, Chris Ryan says “In particular councillors are interested in understanding the operating cost of any new livestreaming arrangement.”


Other considerations such as the capital cost for any new equipment and data storage services will also be assessed.


“We know that the livestreaming of meetings is an evolving trend across the local government sector but doing it properly is neither easy or without cost.”


We are working to complete the assessment so that the Councillors can pick up the conversation on this topic again at the next meeting on July 28.