Upcoming overnight road closure: Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti – 18 July 2024

A temporary road closure will be in place on Mangarino Road, Te Kūiti from 9am Thursday 18 July until 9am the following morning 19 July. The road closure is to allow maintenance work on the Mangarino Road Bridge. More info

Dawn ceremony signals Māori New Year

23 Jun 2023, 11:00 AM



A beautiful and moving Matariki Dawn Ceremony at Te Kūiti Pā this morning.

Karakia and karanga were held to welcome the Māori New Year and to acknowledge our loved ones who have passed on. The ceremony was followed by an amazing hangi breakfast prepared by Ngāti Rōrā.

A special thank you to Ngāti Rōrā and Te Nehenehenui for partnering with us to host the event.

Matariki celebrations continue tomorrow from 10am at the Les Munro Centre, with a community event filled with live music, market stalls, food and education, and our special guests - the Harmonic Resonators.