Unseen Te Kūiti


Legendary Te Kūiti photo competition 

A new project by Legendary Te Kūiti to beautify vacant shop windows with local art work is open from 1 September 2024.

They are calling on budding and experienced artists to shine a light on Te Kūiti!

To find the right pieces of art for the shop windows, LTK are launching a photography competition

The winning entries will be printed onto large boards that will hang in vacant shop windows.

The theme of the competition is Unseen Te Kūiti

LTK chose this theme as it can be interpreted in many ways and will allow people to express their story and relationship with Te Kūiti through their photography.


There are two entry categories:

• Student – 17 years of age or under

• Open – 18 years of age and over


Competition runs from 1 September - 31 October 2024.
